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ToggleAlthough crypto is recognized and popular in many countries. However, the obstacle to the Crypto market is that Facebook bans crypto ads. This makes it difficult for businesses operating in the field of crypto to deploy promotional campaigns and reach potential customers. In the article below, Optimal FB Agency experts have provided useful solutions. Please follow along!
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Detailed information about the ban on Facebook bans crypto ads
On January 30, 2018, Facebook issued a ban on advertising content related to crypto due to concerns about fraud and scams. Although crypto and blockchain technology are a rapidly growing and dynamic industry, they are often associated with scams, fraud, and misleading advertising.
Facebook bans crypto ads has become one of the challenges for businesses operating in the crypto field when they want to develop scale in many countries. Prohibited advertising content includes financial products and services that involve misleading promotional practices, including crypto and initial coin offerings (ICO).
This Facebook policy is not only enforced with direct ads about crypto. It also includes products related to crypto wallets, crypto mining software, or hardware, which are also prohibited. In addition, the effect of this ban is not only on Facebook but also on Instagram.

Does Facebook ban crypto ads?
Facebook has indeed issued a ban on crypto advertising due to concerns about fraud and scams. However, Facebook still creates conditions for genuine businesses to operate and promote crypto advertising. In May 2019, the ban on advertising digital currencies was eased. Some cryptocurrency-related content is allowed to be advertised on Facebook but requires written permission from Meta. In addition, advertising content related to the issuance of crypto to raise capital is still prohibited on Facebook.
Businesses operating in the field of crypto and crypto exchanges that want to run ads on Facebook need to strictly comply with regulations. First of all, businesses need to request permission to run ads from Meta in writing. Advertising content and countries and territories running digital currency ads are also limited.
Businesses that want to run crypto ads not only need to apply for a license from Meta but also the scope of cryptocurrency advertising on Facebook in some countries and territories. Includes: Australia, Austria, Canada, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Singapore, Korea, Sweden, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States.
Regulations on running crypto ads on Facebook
Even though Facebook bans crypto ads, you can still run crypto ads. However, crypto advertising content on Facebook includes:
- Applications, platforms, and products that allow people to exchange virtual and real currencies. This includes spot trading, margin trading, later trading, and other trading instruments related to crypto assets.
- A software platform or application that allows people to borrow or lend crypto.
- E-wallets or software devices allow people to store crypto quickly and securely. At the same time, provides additional services: exchange, buy and sell crypto, and deposit and store coins to earn interest.
- Software and hardware allow people to mine crypto assets.
Businesses that want to run crypto ads on Facebook must obtain prior Meta permission via the following form: In addition, advertisers need to provide evidence that their activities are appropriately licensed.
In addition, when requesting advertising permission from Meta, you need to submit a license or registration according to regulations in a recognized country running crypto advertising. Details at:
After meeting the above regulations, you can run ads with content related to products, services, and crypto transactions. However, you need to fully comply with applicable laws and regulations in the country where your ads are running. When targeting ads to permitted countries, you do not target people under 18 years of age.

Experience in effective crypto ads on Facebook
You have the answer: “Is it true that Facebook bans crypto ads?”. Businesses operating in the field of crypto that want to run ads on Facebook need to prepare all the resources: advertising account, Visa/Mastercard, Fanpage. Additionally, you need classic Gmail to manage your account and advertising campaigns. At the same time, ensure the device and operating system are clean and have a strong network IP to make camping easy.
Because crypto is a product that seriously violates Facebook’s policies, if they want to run ads, advertisers need to have techniques to circumvent ads. On the other hand, advertisers need to understand Facebook’s scanning mechanism to have appropriate circumvention methods. Techniques needed to deploy an effective crypto advertising campaign: advertising accounts, cloaking policy violation links, and creating intermediary websites,…
When running product ads that violate policies, the ad account is disabled frequently. Therefore, you need to prepare a backup account set so that in case the account is disabled, there will be a timely replacement account.
There are many ways to build a backup ad account fleet. However, to have a quality advertising account, you should rent an account from Optimal FB. You will be granted a high-trust, stable Facebook Agency account with the best fees on the market and many attractive incentives.
With a huge and diverse inventory of advertising accounts to meet all customer needs. All of our accounts are thoroughly vetted before being issued to customers. Account quality is guaranteed: Campaign approval, spent strongly, fast ad approval, and best bid, the account is rarely locked.
Optimal FB’s Facebook Ads team will always accompany and support you 24/7: free account setup, content consulting, and advertising optimization,… Support cloaking policy violation links with a secure internal link cloaking system safer and more effective than any other product on the market. Issues related to accounts being disabled due to policy violations are thoroughly handled. Contact hotline: +84564104104 for more details about the service and to receive the best quote.
To successfully deploy crypto ads campaigns on Facebook, you need to create an intermediary Page and cloak the policy violation link. This is one of the very important techniques that help minimize Facebook boot from scanning your Facebook content. With an intermediary website, you can create a Landing Page or Blogger and then use the tool to cloak the policy violation link.
Once you have prepared all the ingredients, proceed with the steps to run crypto ads on Facebook. First, you need to set up a clean advertising campaign and then find a way to redirect to the main campaign containing the link that needs to run advertising. When creating a clean advertising campaign, you need to ensure that the following elements: keywords, mail, devices, network IP, advertising content, URL and intermediate website content, etc. must not contain elements that violate the policy.
After the clean advertising campaign is approved and paid, use the software to redirect access to the main campaign containing the policies violation link that needs to be advertised. To increase the power of your advertising, run both the bait advertising campaign and the main campaign in parallel.
In addition, pay attention to setting up multiple camps on accounts to increase the rate of successful camp setup. Keep your advertising budget high from the beginning because if your account takes money and you just increase the budget, the risk of the account being disabled is very high. When creating a crypto advertising campaign on Facebook, you should set a standard campaign title, and create attractive advertising content to avoid violating policies.
Facebook bans crypto advertising, but businesses operating in this field can still run ads but need to comply with strict regulations. Hopefully, the information shared above will help you in implementing successful Facebook Crypto Ads campaigns!
Frequently asked questions
To determine whether you are eligible to advertise crypto products and services on Facebook include the following factors:
Crypto advertising content requires written permission from the crypto exchange or trading platform. Or apps, software, and platforms that allow people to borrow or lend cryptocurrencies. E-wallets provide additional services (buying, selling, exchanging virtual currency,…) along with hardware and software that allow mining crypto assets.
Advertisers need to provide evidence that crypto advertising on Facebook is properly licensed. By submitting a license or registration according to recognized regulations and applying for permission to run ads from Meta.
When targeting cryptocurrency ads, only certain countries can be targeted: Australia, Austria, Canada, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, etc. Advertisers can only target people 18 years of age and older.
Facebook has relaxed its crypto advertising ban to create conditions for businesses operating in the crypto field to develop. However, advertising content related to the issuance of crypto to raise capital is still prohibited on Facebook.